Client: MTN South Africa
Product: Brand Commercial
Year: 2007
Role: Creative Director & Art Director
MTN is a South African mobile communications company that empowers the individual to start something amazing. In keeping with MTN’s philosophy of celebrating the small guy, this ad was shot for the people, with the people. Hillbrow, Johannesburg, is touted as one of the most violent areas in the world, yet it remains a community. We wanted to demonstrate people coming together in a country where no one speaks to each other, and invite everyone to come down to the street and participate in something bigger than themselves.
1 x Bronze Lion
3 x Bronze Clio
1 x Clio Merit
1 x One Show Merit
1 x D&AD Wood Pencil
2 x Gold Loeries
1 x Silver Loerie
WARC Top 100 campaigns of 2008 list
Client: MTN South Africa
Product: Brand Commercial
Year: 2007
Role: Creative Director & Art Director
Any individual with a great idea and a little bit of communication can do anything. Most young South Africans grew up while apartheid stunted the flow of contemporary influence and expression. The new government brought an influx of creative content via international publications, the web and networking. In keeping with MTN’s philosophy of celebrating ‘people who do’, this ad was for the people, by the people. It was made by a group of young urbanites who believed they had a big idea to show the world.
1 x One Show Merit
1 x D&AD Wood Pencil
1 x Gold Loerie
1 x Silver Loerie
Client: MTN South Africa
Product: Brand Commercial
Year: 2007
Role: Creative Director & Art Director
Building relationships is all about communication. When the people of the fishing village of Arniston heard that an ad for the communications company MTN was being shot there, they expected to be kept far away from camera. Instead, they were put in front of it. No fishing had taken place in Arniston for four months due to appalling weather and ocean conditions, depriving the village of their only regular income. The shoot was scheduled during the festive season to inject some much-needed income and instead of shooting an ad, we documented the village getting together and getting down at Christmas.
3 x Craft Loeries
1 x Bronze Loerie